What Everyone That’s Getting Acupuncture Needs To Know First
Acupuncture is something that has been the subject of great curiosity to many people for years and years, particularly those suffering from painful or even debilitating physical afflictions. The best way to explore the topic is to spend sufficient time reading and reviewing information on it. The piece below is a fantastic place to begin the process.
Do not make the mistake of believing that all of your pain is guaranteed to be gone after one acupuncture treatment. It takes some people quite a few treatment before they see any type of results. This is why it is important for you to stay patient during the process.
When seeking a professional acupuncture practitioner, make sure to solicit recommendations from those you know and also spend some time reading reviews online. By taking these steps, you can ensure that you are spending your time and your money wisely and that you will receive the maximum benefits possible from this sort of treatment.
Avoid over-eating right before your acupuncture appointment. Although you should not go on an empty stomach, as this can lead to feeling dizzy, you can’t be too full either. Call and ask for guidance with the receptionist if you’re not sure, but don’t take any chances by indulging in a big meal a few hours prior to going.
Ask any potential acupuncturist how many years they have been in business. As with most other professions, experience counts for a lot. You also want to find out where they received their education. There is often a big difference in quality if the person trained in the United States versus somewhere else.
You may not be able to take certain supplements or vitamins in conjunction with acupuncture. Consult with your chosen acupuncturist or physician about any you may want to discontinue before your first session. This will reduce the impact of your procedure if you continue.
If you are pregnant, past your due date and wanting to get labor started, consider using acupuncture. This pain-free, natural practice can pinpoint specific parts of the body which can bring on contractions and help labor to progress. It is important to only use this past your due date however, so as to avoid pre-term labor which might be dangerous to the baby’s health.
Make sure you don’t see your acupuncturist on an empty stomach. You’ll want to eat a full meal about 2 hours before your session. If you go to a session hungry, you may wind up feeling dizzy or lightheaded. You want your sessions to make you feel better, not worse.
Contact your insurance provider before seeking acupuncture treatments. Some plans will cover most or all of the cost of this treatment, but you might need a referral from your general practitioner first. Take the time to make a call to your insurance company first so you are not left with surprise bills after treatment is received.
Wear clothes to your acupuncture appointment that are comfortable and loose. Loose clothes makes it easier for everyone. Loose-fitting garments will enable your therapist to more easily place the needles. Many sessions will be done while you are fully clothed, so if your clothing is nice and loose, it will be a much easier appointment.
Don’t expect to 100% understand what an acupuncturist is talking about, but do ask for explanations when you are lost. Acupuncture is an Eastern style holistic approach to medicine. It’s quite different from what Westerners are used to, and the lingo can be a lot to take in. If you’re lost, stop and ask questions.
You might expect pain, but it’s not going to happen. Acupuncture is virtually free of any pain. The tiny needles are hard to see from just a couple feet away. You may not feel anything, but if you do it should be minor.
If you’re feeling a little sore after an acupuncture session, the best way to treat that soreness is with heat. Post-session pain is usually caused by blockages, and ice may only exacerbate the problem. Most soreness is gone within 24 hours, so a hot bath and a good night’s sleep should do the trick.
Do not workout before your acupuncture session. It is okay to exercise a little, however, take it easy and go slow. Try a less intense version of your typical workout activity. The day you have acupuncture is never the best day to try something new.
Bring a pillow from home. Acupuncture is a very different experience than most people are used to. It’s nice to have something comforting and known with you, especially during the first few sessions. A favorite pillow (maybe your bed pillow) is a nice place to start. It’ll help you relax.
Don’t rule acupunture out if you don’t feel a big difference after your first session. It can take time to really see the results of acupuncture, especially if your body is full of toxins. Commit to at least three sessions, and decide after that whether or not your treatments are working for you.
Oftentimes after your first acupuncture visit, you will feel some immediate pain relief. This is fairly common. Acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years and these practitioners know what they are doing. Although acupuncture is not recognized as a medical treatment, for some people it can actually cure their chronic pain.
Once you finish up with the acupuncturist, stay away from both coffee and alcohol. These drinks dehydrate you, and that is bad for your treatment. Acupuncture can cause the release of toxins, which have to be flushed out of your system. Alcohol and coffee will inhibit that process, so they should be avoided.
There is little doubt that acupuncture is something that is extremely intriguing to anyone contending with a difficult physical issue or chronic pain. By making the effort to learn and study the origins and practice of acupuncture, it really is possible to figure out whether it can provide needed relief. Hopefully readers have found the advice provided above to be useful indeed.