Fix PS034 Error In QuickBooks Desktop with These Instant Solutions
When a user gets the PS034 Error In QuickBooks Desktop, a pop-up message appears on the screen that states, ‘A new tax table and/or updates to your payroll tax forms have been installed on your computer. Click OK to read about the changes [PS034]’ The payroll update is the main concern that arises with this error, and this blog is all about getting rid of it. It explains what it means and how it can be fixed right away, so keep reading the blog to learn everything you need to know.
Want to know more about the PS034 error in QuickBooks? Dial +1(855)-738-0359 to talk to one of our certified QuickBooks experts
The Most Common Reasons Why QuickBooks Users Get the Payroll Update Error Code PS034
If you are not aware of why this error strikes the system, here is what you must know.
- The CPS folder could have been badly damaged or corrupted, which could have caused the error.
- You might also get this error if you haven’t updated QuickBooks Desktop prior to updating payroll.
Check out the next part of this blog to find out how to fix this error quickly and easily.
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The Top Two Ways to Completely Get Rid of the QuickBooks Desktop Error Message PS034
Are you having trouble resolving this error with basic troubleshooting procedures? If so, you need to look at the advanced troubleshooting solutions given below.
Solution 1: Make Changes to the Name of the CPS Folder
- Press the ‘Windows + E’ keys on your keyboard to open the File Explorer.
- Tap ‘This PC’ and click twice on ‘Local Disc C.’
- Next, choose ‘Program Files (x86)’ and then open the ‘Intuit’ folder.
- Now, go to the folder for your QuickBooks Desktop.
- Click ‘Components’ and then ‘Payroll.’
- Next, change the CPS folder by selecting ‘Rename’ from the menu.
- Change the name to ‘CPSOLD’ and hit ‘Enter’ to save the new name.
- Finally, run QuickBooks Desktop to make a new CPS folder.
Solution 2: Finish Registering your QuickBooks Desktop and Make Sure it’s Up-to-date
- Start QuickBooks Desktop and then press the F2 key.
- A window named ‘Product Information’ will show up on your screen.
- Now, look to see if ‘activated’ is written next to the license number.
- If not, go to the ‘Help’ tab in your QB and click on the ‘Activate QuickBooks Desktop’ option.
- Follow the steps on the screen to successfully activate QuickBooks Desktop.
- Once that’s done, run QuickBooks Desktop and update it to the most recent version.
- Now, you can retry to get the most recent payroll tax table updates.
We’ve done our best to give you some of the best and quickest ways to fix the PS034 Error In QuickBooks Desktop. If you have any trouble with the troubleshooting steps or need more information about the error, don’t wait and dial +1(855)-738-0359 to get in touch with our team of QuickBooks Desktop experts.
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