Comparing Arrays and Linked Lists in JavaScript
When it comes to data structures in JavaScript, two commonly used options are arrays and linked lists. Both serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics that make them suitable for specific scenarios. Understanding the differences between arrays and linked lists can help developers make informed decisions about which data structure to use in their JavaScript programs. In this article, we will compare arrays and linked lists in terms of their implementation, performance, and use cases.
Arrays are a fundamental data structure in JavaScript that allows storing multiple values in a single variable. They can be accessed using numerical indices and have a fixed length. JavaScript arrays can hold elements of different types and are implemented as dynamic, contiguous blocks of memory.
Creating an array in JavaScript is as simple as using square brackets and separating elements with commas. For example:
const myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
Linked Lists
Unlike arrays, linked lists consist of individual nodes that hold both data and a reference to the next node in the sequence. Each node in a linked list is dynamically allocated and can be scattered across memory. The last node of a linked list typically points to null to indicate the end of the list.
To create a linked list in JavaScript, you need to define a class or object representing a node and establish the connections between nodes. Here’s an example of a simple linked list implementation:
class Node {
constructor(value) {
this.value = value; = null;
const node1 = new Node(1);
const node2 = new Node(2);
const node3 = new Node(3); = node2; = node3;
Accessing Elements
- Arrays
Arrays offer direct access to elements using their indices. This means that accessing an element in an array takes constant time (O(1)), as the position of the element is known.
const myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
console.log(myArray[2]); // Output: 3
- Linked Lists
In linked lists, accessing an element requires traversing the list from the beginning until the desired element is reached. As a result, the time complexity of accessing an element in a linked list is linear (O(n)), where n is the length of the list.
let currentNode = node1;
while (currentNode !== null) {
if (currentNode.value === 3) {
console.log(currentNode.value); // Output: 3
currentNode =;
Insertion and Deletion
- Arrays
Arrays in JavaScript provide efficient insertion and deletion at the end of the array, thanks to their contiguous memory allocation. This operation takes constant time (O(1)). However, inserting or deleting elements at the beginning or middle of an array requires shifting all subsequent elements, resulting in a time complexity of O(n).
- Linked Lists
Linked lists excel at insertion and deletion operations, especially at the beginning or middle of the list. Inserting or deleting a node in a linked list involves changing a few references, resulting in constant time complexity (O(1)). However, accessing a specific position in the list requires traversing from the beginning, which can be slower compared to arrays.
// Insert a new node with value 4 after the second node in the linked list
const newNode = new Node(4); =; = newNode;
// Delete the second node from the linked list =;
Memory Efficiency
- Arrays
Arrays store elements in a contiguous block of memory, which requires a fixed amount of memory space based on the number of elements. If the array size needs to be changed dynamically, the entire array may need to be reallocated and copied, resulting in increased memory overhead.
- Linked Lists
Linked lists utilize memory more flexibly. Each node in a linked list only requires memory for its own data and a reference to the next node, allowing for efficient memory allocation. However, the additional references between nodes can increase memory usage compared to arrays.
Use Cases
- Arrays
Arrays are well-suited for scenarios that require random access to elements or when the size of the collection is known and fixed. They are ideal for implementing data structures like stacks, queues, and matrices. Arrays also provide a wide range of built-in methods for manipulating and iterating over elements, making them convenient in many programming situations.
- Linked Lists
Linked lists shine in situations that involve frequent insertion or deletion operations, especially at the beginning or middle of the collection. They are commonly used for implementing dynamic data structures like linked lists themselves, stacks, queues, and hash tables. Linked lists can efficiently handle growing and shrinking collections without the need for expensive reallocation.
Arrays and linked lists are two fundamental data structures in JavaScript, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Arrays provide efficient random access to elements but suffer from slower insertion and deletion operations at the beginning or middle. On the other hand, linked lists excel in insertion and deletion but require traversal for accessing specific elements. Choosing the appropriate data structure depends on the specific requirements of your program, considering factors such as access patterns, insertion/deletion needs, and memory constraints.
If you interested in more articles on linked lists, you can take a look a how to reverse a singly linked list in javascript.
Thank you for reading.